Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Longest Fingernails 'The Dutchess'

I have known people to grow their nails out, but this is the longest I have seen yet.

Chris “The Dutchess” Walton nails were recorded as 19 feet and 9 inches long. The Las Vegas native has made the 2012 Guinness Book of World Records. It took her a total of 18 years to grow her nails so long.

I just can't believe she painted her nails.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ever Since I Can Remember I've Been Poppin' My Collar

If I remember correctly, the first time I saw collar tips was on Dukie in Pretty in Pink. I thought they were awesome back then and I think they still are now. Recently it seems as though collar tips are working their way into the main fashion stream. You can find them on ebay, asks, and other shopping stores.

If you want to completely stun them with your collar, then go for this look!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

First Week

I have not updated in a while. With everything going on with the start of school and other group organizations some things have been neglected in my life. I am going to get everything balanced though.

Last week was my first week back in school and I am proud to say that I made it! One of my outfits last week incorporated a denim shirt I picked up from a thrift store. I used Vanessa Hudgens as my inspiration on how to wear mine. I paired my top with black shorts, combat boots, and a lot of cute bangles.

I wish I took a picture, but at least now you will be able to look at Vanessa Hudgens picture and get inspired to make you're own outfit!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Ombre Nails

So there's a new craze about ombre nails, especially after Lauren Conrad was spotted in them.

I have to admit my favorite nails are the purple ones. If you want to give it a try use a sponge to dab on your nail polish! Have fun and post pictures if you decide to give ombre nails a try!

The Sunshine Award

I just logged on today and discovered I was given the Sunshine Award from Color Me Pink! You guys have no idea how happy I am about it! Now it's my turn to give it to ten other bloggers. (:

Before I can pass this along I must answer the Sunshine Award questions, so here they go...

1. Favorite color: Blue
2. Favorite animal: Bengal Tiger
3. Favorite number: 7
4. Favorite drink (alcohol free): Juice Shop smoothie
5. Facebook or Twitter: Twitter
6. Your passion: Non-profit organizations and journalism.
7. Giving or getting presents: Honestly, who doesn't love to receive a present but I equally like to give to those who have helped me through life.
8. Favorite pattern: I'm not a big fan of prints. I like simple and elegant. You can dress simple up or down.
9. Favorite day: Pay Day!!!
10. Favorite Flower: Blue rose

Now it's your turn:
Diamonds, Rust and Warpaint
from the block
Jestem Kasia
Le Happy
Fashion Bananas
Freak of Fashion
Mia's Little Corner
Femmes With Benefits

Once you receive this award you must:
+Thank the person who gave it to you
+Write a post about it
+Answer the questions
+Pass it along to ten other bloggers and send them a message to let them know

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Code

Love for the Code


After reading Sara Tee recent post about her school's dress code I decided to come up with some outfits that may fit it. Here are her school's stipulations:

+Dress es and skirts no higher than 2 inches above the knee. Dresses must cover the shoulders.
+Tops must be formal in appearance with no designs or text or excessive cleavage
+Pants should be formal and must have leg seams and no sewn-on pockets
+When sporting pants, a blazer has to be worn as well
+Shoes must be dressy. Moccasins, rainboots, and Birkenstock-style shoes are not allowed. Boots can be worn with dresses/skirts but must be worn inside pant legs
+No denim, including vests or jackets

Maybe some of you can come up with some to add! (:

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


A few more months from now and it's cuffin' season again. These are the only thing's you'll see cuffin' me! {:

Check out some of these bracelets for an affordable price!

Alto-feather Fun Cuff $19.99

Stainless Steel Design Cuff$11.39

Goldplated Stainless Steel Textured Cuff $24.49

Monday, August 15, 2011

Dangerous Beauty

I came across this picture while looking for 80s fashion. I don't know why but it screamed out to me! lol

80s Rocker Chic

H M linen jacket
£15 -

Jane Norman belted skirt
£28 -

Sam Edelman studded heels
$190 -

This was my way of recreating the outfit. I already have a white blazer I got while thrift shopping and a black H&M skirt I bought for less than 10 dollars. (:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tune Into VohnJovie

Talent is rare. Everyone wants to become an artist, but few are willing to do what it takes to progress in the field.

Up and coming artist, VohnJovie, has been in the game for a while and continues to improve the quality of his music. Once you play his songs you’ll be captured by his tunes and lyrics. His words aren’t exaggerated, they’re real, he writes what he see’s and feels. The music allows his fans to see life from his prospective.

When asked what inspires him most, he was quick to give credit to his "LeagueCrew" or Ivy League brothers, a group of friends who've stuck by each other for years.

"It wasn't until I spent time with Juan, Dayson, and Jaron, that my lyrics began to show progress...They really helped me get better,that is still the case now...I owe it to them," said VohnJovie.

He wants his music to move forward and is willing to put in hard work to make the possibilities endless. "I don't expect to be a famous celebrity through music...I just want it to be heard and enjoyed by people everywhere."

In the past he performed at three clubs (Green Street, Club Genesis,and Pour Music House) in the Triad Area of North Carolina. He doesn't have any set dates for upcoming shows, but expect more to come from this artist. The progression in his tunes is "something you don't want to miss out on."

His latest songs are over tracks of other artist, Miguel and Chirs Brown.

"A Letter To You"

"You See Me"

**VohnJovie's life is not any different from ours. Like any loving child, he defines success as the moment when he can take care of his mother and the people he cares about.