Monday, August 22, 2011

Ombre Nails

So there's a new craze about ombre nails, especially after Lauren Conrad was spotted in them.

I have to admit my favorite nails are the purple ones. If you want to give it a try use a sponge to dab on your nail polish! Have fun and post pictures if you decide to give ombre nails a try!

The Sunshine Award

I just logged on today and discovered I was given the Sunshine Award from Color Me Pink! You guys have no idea how happy I am about it! Now it's my turn to give it to ten other bloggers. (:

Before I can pass this along I must answer the Sunshine Award questions, so here they go...

1. Favorite color: Blue
2. Favorite animal: Bengal Tiger
3. Favorite number: 7
4. Favorite drink (alcohol free): Juice Shop smoothie
5. Facebook or Twitter: Twitter
6. Your passion: Non-profit organizations and journalism.
7. Giving or getting presents: Honestly, who doesn't love to receive a present but I equally like to give to those who have helped me through life.
8. Favorite pattern: I'm not a big fan of prints. I like simple and elegant. You can dress simple up or down.
9. Favorite day: Pay Day!!!
10. Favorite Flower: Blue rose

Now it's your turn:
Diamonds, Rust and Warpaint
from the block
Jestem Kasia
Le Happy
Fashion Bananas
Freak of Fashion
Mia's Little Corner
Femmes With Benefits

Once you receive this award you must:
+Thank the person who gave it to you
+Write a post about it
+Answer the questions
+Pass it along to ten other bloggers and send them a message to let them know

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Code

Love for the Code


After reading Sara Tee recent post about her school's dress code I decided to come up with some outfits that may fit it. Here are her school's stipulations:

+Dress es and skirts no higher than 2 inches above the knee. Dresses must cover the shoulders.
+Tops must be formal in appearance with no designs or text or excessive cleavage
+Pants should be formal and must have leg seams and no sewn-on pockets
+When sporting pants, a blazer has to be worn as well
+Shoes must be dressy. Moccasins, rainboots, and Birkenstock-style shoes are not allowed. Boots can be worn with dresses/skirts but must be worn inside pant legs
+No denim, including vests or jackets

Maybe some of you can come up with some to add! (:

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


A few more months from now and it's cuffin' season again. These are the only thing's you'll see cuffin' me! {:

Check out some of these bracelets for an affordable price!

Alto-feather Fun Cuff $19.99

Stainless Steel Design Cuff$11.39

Goldplated Stainless Steel Textured Cuff $24.49

Monday, August 15, 2011

Dangerous Beauty

I came across this picture while looking for 80s fashion. I don't know why but it screamed out to me! lol

80s Rocker Chic

H M linen jacket
£15 -

Jane Norman belted skirt
£28 -

Sam Edelman studded heels
$190 -

This was my way of recreating the outfit. I already have a white blazer I got while thrift shopping and a black H&M skirt I bought for less than 10 dollars. (: